MYFAKEBAND | Official Rules


The person in the group who most recently sang karaoke, purchased music, or purchased concert tickets, will become the first “founding member”.

The founding member draws 1 card from the “MY FAKE BAND” deck & 1 card from the “GENRE” deck. They will then read the name & genre of their new fake band to the group.

Each player, including the founding member, will create & write down what they imagine to be the title of the fake band’s first hit single.

Answers are passed back to the founding member face down.

The founding member will then read all song titles aloud to the group twice, after shuffling the answers.

Starting clockwise from the founding member, players will attempt to match a song title to the correct author. Guessing again with each correct match.

When a correct match is made, the player who wrote the song title is eliminated for the round. Play continues until the current player guesses incorrectly.

With an incorrect match, the mic passes clockwise to the next player & gameplay resumes.

Gameplay continues until only one player remains or the mic makes it back to the founding member.


For each correct match, the guessing player scores one point.

If any player correctly matches all song titles to their respective authors, they will score an additional two points.

If no player matches a song title to the correct author, the founding member scores four points.

Whoever registers the most points after each player has been a founding member of three fake bands, wins.


Alternate Gameplay

All members vote on the song title they enjoy the most. Players cannot vote for their own song title.

Players score one point for each vote they receive.